Monday, February 11, 2013

About Graphs

Lesson:  Graphs and its interpretation - Understanding graphs is an integral part of many academic disciplines, especially economics.  Go to the Related Documents section on the right-hand side of the screen and draw of the three basic types of graphs.  Each type of graph - the line, bar, and circle - are intended to measure and interpret its particular data.  The spreadsheet software programs, such as Excel, do not understand which column is meant for the Y-Axis, nor the X-Axis.  Therefore, in two adjoining columns (e.g., Columns A an Column B), type the figures into these two columns in order to designate them. Then highlight both columns and go to Format to select the type of graph you desire.  You may go to Google and type:  Data Table for Line Graphs and see the myriad graphs for line graphs per se.  Type the titles, sub-titles, and sources of information into the Header and Footer sections. 
      We cannot extricate graphs from learning economics.

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